Premier - Local Ophthalmologist

  • Fuchs' Dystrophy

    Fuchs dystrophy is a genetic condition that affects the innermost layer of your cornea, the endothelial in a healthy eye. The endothelium is a densely packed sheet of hexagonal shaped cells.

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    <p>&nbsp;Ophthalmologist, explains the symptoms and treatment options of Fuch&#39;s Dystrophy.</p>

     Ophthalmologist, explains the symptoms and treatment options of Fuch's Dystrophy.

  • What is Fuchs' Dystrophy

    Fuchs dystrophy is a genetic condition that affects the innermost layer of your cornea, the endothelial in a healthy eye. The endothelium is a densely packed sheet of hexagonal shaped cells.



    Fortunately, treatments for fuchs dystrophy are already excellent and continue to improve. We can replace your cells with an elegant transplant procedure called a DMEK.

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