Premier - Local Optometrist

  • Air Puff Tonometer

    Noncontact (or air-puff) tonometry does not touch your eye but uses a puff of air to flatten your cornea. This type of tonometry is not the best way to measure intraocular pressure. But it is often used as a simple way to check for high IOP and is the easiest way to test children.

  • What is a Air Puff Tonometer

    The air puff tonometer is an instrument used to measure the internal pressure of the eye by exerting an external force on the eye.


    This type of tonometry is not the best way to measure intraocular pressure. But it is often used as a simple way to check for high IOP and is the easiest way to test children.

Premier - Local Ophthalmologist

Glaucoma Now

Glaucoma Now
